1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser as soon as you wake up to remove the excess oil produced by your skin.

2. After that use  dove soap. It is clinically proven that this soap maintains the moisturizer in the skin and protect your skin from drying out.

3. Exfoliate your skin. I prefer dry scrub to exfoliate my skin.
       Mix coffee , sugar and honey to make a gentle scrub. It exfoliates your skin without leaving your skin reddish and makes your skin baby soft.
     If you have dry skin , do this method once a week and for oily skin do this method twice or thrice a week.

4. Do a face mask once a week.
In face mask also I prefer dry face mask because organic face mask doesnt really have side effects and keeps your skin hydrated.

a) honey+ cinnamon powder = helps in fighting with acne problems.

b) Rice flour+ honey + aloevera = For clear and glowing skin

C) tomato+sugar+ honey = for skin with hyper pigmentation

5. Wash your  makeup brushes and blenders often.

6. Drink detox water. Here are some recipes

a) Half a cucumber+5 mint leaves+ 1 lemon

b)1 green tea bag+ 1 lemon + 3 ice cubes

c) half an apple + cinnamon stick

d) half an orange+ 6 blueberries+ 5 mint leaves.

6. Always remove your make up before bed.

7. Avoid products containing parabens, sulphate etc that is harmful for your skin.

8. Maintain a healthy diet for a healthy skin. Avoid sugary products and dairy items.
