How to be productive this quarentine ?

How to be productive this quarentine ?

As we all know Novel corona virus Covid-19 is taking over whole world. Almost every country is in lockdown and everyone of us are quarentined. I wonder how lucky we are to be quarentined with our family with all the basic needs. And it breaks my heart knowing that how some people doesnt even have money to buy water and they are dying due to starvation. I request everyone reading this blog to help the needy ones around us as much we can.

Also, I think everyone of us is spending time watching Netflix,  using Instagram, sleeping and saying "I will be productive from tomorrow". Well, tomorrow never comes. So here i am going to say some productive things we can do during thus quarentine and utilize this time we have got.

So here are some productive things to do during quarentine

- Wake up early and make your bed
- Do a morning skin care routine
- Make some tea and read news
- Do some exercise
- Write a journal

- study for some hours
- Make a healthy and new lunch  (take a help from youtube)
- Clean your room, take a shower and wash your clothes
- Write your heart out on dairy
- Dont just lay down and watch tv
- Plan post quarentine stuffs
- Do a dry face mask

- Make a dinner by yourself
- Spend your time with family
- Call your loved ones and share your things
- oil your hair
- Do a night skin care routine
- Have some green tea and sleep early
