- How much you try to give your best on study, there comes a point when studying feels like stress. But we can't give up on studying.  So, I have prepared list of hacks that you can follow when you are not feeling like studying.

1. Clean your study table

- This is the simplest thing you can do to get motivated for study. When your study table is managed and clean, you feel like seating there and studying.

2. Write it.

-If you don’t feel like learning or memorizing just write it. It will help to improve your writing skills.

3. Take breaks

- When you are unmotivated, you can’t study for long hours. So take breaks of 5-10 minutes after every 30 minutes of study.

4. Make flash cards

- Just make flash cards and note ideas or keywords. At least it will help you when you are ready to study.

5. Make achievable goals.

- If you are not in mood to study, making big goals will stress you more. So, make goals that are easy to achieve which will inspire you to study more.

6. Reward yourself.

- No one can motivate you unless you want to. So reward yourself with chocolate or something that you like when you achieve your goals. That make you happy and motivate you to study more.
